I even had a custom mixed media order from a woman I went to school with from first grade until we graduated from high school (which was nearly a decade ago)! The wonders of the internet (more specifically, Facebook) reunited us and we found we live just a couple blocks from each other now. Back when we were teammates in elementary school softball, I never would have imagined our adult lives intertwining in such a way, but it's a sweet surprise.
She asked me to create a piece as a Christmas gift for her boyfriend. All she wanted was artwork depicting the two of them and she gave me artistic freedom. I panicked and paced for a while but eventually was quite pleased when I stepped back from the canvas to see this:

"John & Vanessa," December 2009
It's acrylic, papers, ink and sealants on canvas. Paper sources included clippings from a vintage ledger, antique encyclopedia, a French novel, a German hymn book and a map.
I have new projects in the work but I'll keep it under wraps until everything is shiny and finished. Don't you forget about me.